
302 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Reviewing according to impressions throughout...

First impression: Cool sound in the beginning that stays for a little while. I enjoyed it, especially the pad buildup. What came after the pad buildup made me think "what?" It sounded like something extremely epic, then went to a sound that almost sounds like farts (no offense). At 0:40, the openup sounded quite nice, and led to an extremely high tempo synth. The short break surprised me, but by the time it registered, it was back to the main song.

Second impression: Starting at 1:08, it seems repetitive. I've heard this a lot already... please give me something different. Then you did. At 1:30, it opened up, and got to be a SONG. Quite good, thank you for doing it. It definitely opened up.

Third impression: At about 1:54, I hear the same tune repeating, and it didn't have any variation. VERY nice breakdown at 2:16. I'd love to find out how you did that sound, as it was very good. At 2:27, it goes to what I'll call the (B) section, the second part of the song. It gets faster from there on, and keeps with the techno feel.

Fourth impression: At 2:50, it continues with the song and the occasionally trippy beat roll. I wonder how you did the voice... The whole thing is creepy overall, I have to admit.

Fifth impression: 4:10 onward, it seemed to be the same and just end as it had in the beginning. Not an overly good outro, not a bad one. However, the actual ending made me think "what?" and disappointed me somewhat.

Overall impression: Good good. It deserves to be more highly rated, most definitely. There's one problem though. There's a feeling that there's either something missing, or too much piled on that makes it lack an element. I can't quite put my finger on it though, which is unfortunate. Again, the ending disappointed me, and I have to say, though I liked the metallic clang kick sound in the beginning at first, it got annoying quite quickly. I understand that this is hardstyle-ish, but... It's a bit too pounding and rough for me. I prefer songs that have more light finesse other than banging a lot and having rough sound. This is my personal preference, of course, but the judging of a track IS subjective. I try to be objective, but I can't succeed all the time. Hope this helps, I don't think there's much more that can be done for this track.

Good luck in the future!

-Review Request Club-

Dj-GST responds:

Haha good review man, been a while since I've gotten a detailed one :P

First impression: Haha that "fart" sound is an acid sync that I made in Sytrus.

Second impression: Yeah, I just put that in to start the track out for the most part.

Third impression: There is actually variation, it's in the background more than anything, the acid sync comes in and the vocals are cut, and the pad goes at a different octave.

At 2:16, I did that effect by tweaking the LFO for one of the effects automations for that acapella vocal, causing it to have that wobble effect. It's similar to the way people make Dubstep basslines.

Fourth impression: The acapella sample is from a "World Vocals" sample pack that I found. It's basically just a Pakistani dude singing. All I did was apply the effects (reverb, delay, Fruity Squeeze), and extend it.

Fifth impression: There's slight variation, but yeah, it's basically the same. I basically just did the standard outro.

Overall impression: Not Hardstyle. Not Hardstyle at all. The reason that I wasn't going to post this on here is for the main reason that NGer's keep mistaking my work as Hardstyle.

Yeah, it's not for everybody. Since this is a genre of Hardcore, one of it's main features is the rough, stomping sound.

Thanks for the great review man!


Ah, 8-bit... Fun fun.

It's a short little loop, and there isn't a lot to it, so I won't be able to review it as good as I could a longer song, my apologies.

The 8-bit-ness of it works. I just can't help but think that there could be a bit more development in it. It has the same chording throughout, and is just really, really... boring. I know that it's more background music. But there could definitely be more.

What there is, though, is done well, and sounds nice. It's a good, short little loop. Just could be a /bit/ longer. lol.

-Review Request Club-

DahDoctow responds:

i completely agree, and in future 8bit songs i make i shall add some more variety and some different things going on so the listener doesn't get bored

thanks for your review

Quite good.

Reviewing in a series of impressions.

First impression: Nice chording, it brings out the title. At about 0:36, I started to get bored, as it was basically the same thing with a slightly different tune. Since it's not that upbeat, it needs a bit "more" to bring out what it is if you have the same chording.

Second impression: Starting at 0:53, there's still the same thing. Nice effects, and I like the light percussion in the background. It hasn't changed much.

Third impression: Starting at 1:38, I enjoyed the new, fresh change brought on by the different chording and tune. It definitely fits the mood. Very sad, and calming.

Fourth impression: Starting at 2:26, I thought the guitar came in at an odd time. But, I did like the guitar, it isn't badly mixed. I think it fits. The development and buildup from here is quite good, and makes me "feel". <-- This is a hard thing to do for me, as most music made during this time period makes me feel nothing. This makes me feel empty.

Fifth impression: Starting at 3:16, that synth buildup gave me a shiver. So sad, so peaceful. It made me almost think of an empty wasteland with nothing living in it. I do NOT like how the main synth vanishes at 3:45. That hurt a lot, just having it vanish. The outro left a lot to be desired.

Overall impression: Very, very good. I've heard some of your music before, and I have to say, you are a very good musician. But this song does seem to be lacking something. I think there's not really much depth to it, it seems empty. Fitting for the picture of it having an echo of neglect, but you don't need to take it so far as to make the song seem to be neglected, or experiencing the echo of it as well... This could be much better, try working with it a little more and see what comes out!

-Review Request Club-

Birdinator99 responds:

Yea, the more I listen to it, the more I realize it really is quite empty.

I'm really glad you got at least some emotional reaction from this -- it's always a positive thing for me.

I'm sorry that you found it boring at parts. This is definitely not an intention of my music-making in general.

The outro may have come suddenly because of my carelessness with the solo (going up too high, and ending on a string of fast notes). A better choice there could've made the difference at that point in the piece.

Compared to my other works, you're quite right; it's emptier, and not as, well, "full", I suppose. Not too much else I can add to that.

Thank you for the kind words, and I hope you continue to enjoy music for a very long time, whether it's mine or not.

Don't stop composing!

Zerobombers go everywhere, they annoy everyone, they've annoyed me as well. I mean, hey, I've gotten my songs zerobombed, and I haven't even made it to the front page once. You have. Through that, you've gotten fame (however long/short). Fame brings friends and enemies. In other words, you can get your songs massively uprated or massively downrated. Besides, if you go, can you improve from some of the excellent feedback some people give? (Not counting mine. I have no idea whether you'll find this good or not)

Also consider, if people are downvoting it, why would they? Maybe asking for feedback if someone rates your song down would be a good idea.

Now, as for the actual song...

First impression: I love the intro. It really starts up the song quite well, and makes it seem sad. It's quite good, that, the way it opens. I'm assuming it's a low pass up. The distortion was quite annoying, though.

Second impression: It's VERY repetitive. Doesn't vary that much, though the drums are driving. The distortion is still there, seems like it's driving a nail through my head. The beat stays the same... Sounds like this was done on FLS, judging by how it loops.

Third impression: It has stayed the same through the whole song. Nothing more I can say, aside from that the outro could use some work.

Overall impression: Once you've heard the first 30 seconds, you've pretty much heard the whole thing. It DEFINITELY needs some variation. I could see this growing though, if it had more of a tune than pretty much nothing... Sounds very much like pop music though. (Pop being most "popular" music, including rock, country, rap, and conventional pop.)

Good luck!

-Review Request Club-

EricFreeman responds:

It's not people down voting because they dislike my song(s), it's all of my songs being systematically down voted every day. I pissed off someone with a lot of free time.

Also, you remind me on my girlfriend. I was listening to a deadmau5 album and she yelled at me for listening to the same song for the past hour. Oh well, I thought there was a little more going on in this song than you did: http://goo.gl/oS8qt

Sorry you didn't like the distortion. I thought it was a nice effect, but hey, to each their own. Also, I wasn't really sure what to do for the outro so I just put this generic one in.

Thanks for leaving such an in-depth review. And don't worry, I don't plan on stopping composing music in general. :)

Interesting (2)

I love how many concepts you brought into this, and how interesting the overall track is. It has a very bouncy atmosphere, and holds to what the title calls it quite well, always a good thing. I honestly think there's not much change needed in the variation bit, nor in the instrumentation. As Xenophaje said, "All instruments seem to be played accordingly through the song, it never goes off key or tone, and its overall sound is pretty good."

However, my problem(s) come in with the fact that while it has a bunch of themes, it seems repetitive, and somehow, at the same time, it seems random. This can be good at certain points, but too much of it just makes me think "meh". I also noticed several points where it seems to lose/gain a beat or two, which hit me like a punch in the fact to wake me up from my musical stupor. Perhaps that was just me. But it's worth looking into things like that.

In the end, I think this could work out to be a really good piece. It just needs some polishing up, some more (less random) variation, and a bit of touching up on the instruments (it made my headphones distort a bit, though that was just in the beginning and they may have been too loud).

Good luck, hope this helped!

-Review Request Club-

Tomppaah responds:

Thanks for the review! :) I'll surely take your pointers in to consideration when I start working on my next track. ;P

The buzzing annoys me.

That buzzing... it makes my head hurt. >.<

Don't have too much to say about this... It's pretty repetitive, has a nice feel, I guess, but again, that buzzing. It is ANNOYING. Perhaps it's supposed to be electronic, but... that's a bit too much.

The buzzing at the beginning made me think that it was in a different time signature than it actually was - confusing. The tune is simple, repeats a bit too often, doesn't really go anywhere... It's kind of just boring. I would vary it a little bit more, if I were you.

I would also attempt to make the buzz slightly less annoying, but if that doesn't annoy most people, then alright.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I'd polish this up a bit, it could be alright in the end.

-Review Request Club-

eatmeatleet responds:

buzzing? Hah it is more like rolling. Software I use wasn't able to detect the pitch it is in so I just used whatever it was. Maybe you are right but I just don't hear the disharmony. Yeah, it doesn't go anywhere, I was kind of unable to continue it. Thanks for review

Very relaxing.

And very well-made. I honestly can't find a complaint to throw against it. This is VERY good. Please continue this! I'll list exactly what I like and hope for in the final, 10 minute version.

1: I love the fact that this is actually organized, the outro is similar to the intro, the main part of the song is formatted in ABA (I believe), and the whole thing has a "groove" to it. I hope the whole 10-minute gig will be formatted as well, in a large ABA, instead of having five-six segments that are transitioned, but not formatted.
2: The instruments. They blend together quite well, and just "fit". I don't see any problem with the piano, the instruments all seem pretty realistic.
3: The drums. My only small problem is (yeah, I found something I don't like. :P) that it's not very constant-sounding. It seems to be more random than steady, I know it's a loop, but... still sounds odd and not very consistent. I do think that you have an interesting style with them though, so take this or leave it, it won't ruin the song in any way, in my opinion.

Overall, wonderful work!

-Review Request Club-

camoshark responds:

Thanks for the great review, one week early furthermore!

Yeah, the song's structured, though I wouldn't classify it in A's and B's, that reffers to the melody line, in this case, I'd put it more A-chorus-B-chorus.

The whole song will be multiple themes, but with a connecting line, and a recurent theme, so it isn't just a bunch of songs mashed together, while not always being one really long developement of a single theme.

The drum parts are, in fact, NOT loops, rather grooves that I wrote myself. It's just impossible to write down a realistic drum part, so I wrote down a few patterns and added a few fills. The drums are actually not enough diversed for my taste...

Thanks again, I'm glad you enjoyed it that much, it proves I'm doing something right here!


Smooth loop.

Instrumentation: Great.
Length: Great.
Tune: Nice and relaxing, while still making me think "Ok, let's get going!" Sounds like a wonderful starting theme to a game.

My problem, however, comes with what I've said in many other reviews. Not much structure! After less than a minute, I thought "...is this going to end?" It doesn't have variety, nor that much interest in it. At about 1:10, it seems to repeat. The bass and drums never really change, nor does the chording. It just gets... boring. I understand it's a remix, so there's not much difference you could do. But I've heard remixes that completely change songs so that the melodies are still present.

Overall, not bad, I'll have to listen to some of your other songs.

MeteorManMike responds:

Yeah, it's always hard to add my own flair to a classic tune. If I just throw some improv at it, there are always the guys who take offense to their favorite video game track being ruined.

Thanks for the review!

It's definitely video game music.

I have to say, the song is quite enjoyable overall. It's mixed well. It has many instruments, nice variety, quite well put together. It kind of reminds me of LoZ at some points, reminds me of some other game at others. I can't remember the game off the top of my head, however. Maybe Saga Frontier..? Anyway. I definitely enjoy the song.

Now, unfortunately, all things have problems. And here's my main problem with this song.

I listened to the actual song. The only real difference is different instruments. I know this is an arrangement, but you didn't really change much at all except for some of the drums (I think. Can't exactly do a side-by side comparison that easily). Remixes I tolerate, if they change a song a lot. Arrangements I tolerate, because generally they also change the song quite a bit to arrange it for different instruments and order the sections differently to put it in more of a format. Again, this basically takes the song and puts it into different instruments. Not enough to make it original.

My other problem, which is comparatively minor, is the song itself, I guess. It just... goes on and on. By the time I hit the 3 minute mark, I was slumped back in my seat thinking "does this even have an ending, or has it been looping?" This is a problem with many songs these days. They don't have much form. I'd reform it so that it's a bit more organized. Then I'd be perfectly happy. But then, that's just me. Music is mainly to please yourself, right?

-Review Request Club-

Shanath responds:

Ah, I agree with most of your points. I know I'm not very original when it comes to arrangements but I wanted to keep the original feeling of the song while just keeping it instrumental. Since I don't think there was a non-vocal version of this song ever released; I could be wrong, though.

Anyway, glad you liked it and thanks for the actual critique as well. Too many reviews don't really seem to point out the faults in someone's track. Thanks for taking the time. :]

Let's see.

This could definitely use more. While it's mixed well, has a lot of variation, there are a few problems with it.

It has no real structure. It just "goes". I know you have the animation to stand by it, but as a stand-alone song, it doesn't quite work. Again, while mixed well, it doesn't quite "work". I think that the inherent chaos and randomness that needs to be in the madness series, while it works great to fuse the "madness" in the music for the animation, for the actual song itself... alone, it doesn't work.

The song is good. It could be better though. Having a bunch of cool sounds and putting them together so that it sounds "good" doesn't mean the song is "good".

Perhaps this is personal preference, but I much prefer it with the animation than without. By the time it hit the 3:30 mark, I kind of just was like, "is it over yet?" It doesn't seem to have an end, and just goes and goes and goes and goes kind of like the run-on sentence that I'm using as a ridiculous attempt to make my point clear, because after all, run-on sentences that don't have much point are annoying, when they aren't in context. Much like this song. It is good with the animation, but without the animation, it's like a run-on sentence that's out of context and doesn't work right.

That's my two cents. Take it or leave it.

cheshyre responds:

I really enjoyed your comment! Think what you will about the song, hopefully it made madness more enjoyable. I really liked your run on sentence! It made me laugh. Thanks for the 9!!!

Electronic/ambient artist. I started making music more than random scribblings in the fall of 2010, around the end of November. I think I've come a long way since then!

Skye @SkyeWint

Age 29

Mixing/Mastering Gal

Somewhere on earth.

Joined on 2/2/11

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