Here is your personal review for round 2 of the NGADM! Keep in mind, this review will be harsher than the round 1 review! I will be poking at songs more in each consecutive round, because it will naturally be more difficult to advance.
The Good:
-You seem to be very good at taking a small theme and developing it to an absurd degree.
-VERY nice usage of reversed sounds.
-I liked the harmonies you introduced at around 0:20, though I can't help thinking they'd have been better if you had used a piano rather than the synth. Worth trying at least.
-This song is quite different from your round 1 submission in concept and feel, though
-The transition at 1:20 is really really good. I particularly like the sound effect in the background.
-*claps* Great usage of that at about 1:50 and later in the same pattern.
-I like how you used the panning of the main instruments.
-At about 3:13, oh my gosh that soundscape sounds so cool. It's also interesting that you used arpeggios that remind me of Portal 2. Wasn't expecting to remember that while listening to this.
-I REALLY like the violin sound you use. Might I ask what it is or where you got it?
-Those are some really nice string slides.
The Not-So-Good:
-I do not like the snare drum at about 1:20, though I do like the way you used it.
-Sidechaining at about 1:40 sounds super awkward and painful. Afterwards it stays painful when you reintroduce it.
-The plucks in the instrument after 2:48 sound a bit odd with the pad-like sound.
-At about 4:08 and 4:39, I applaud the attempt at a different kind of transition. Unfortunately, the delay doesn't quite work. It kinda makes me do a double-take when the transition hits a beat AFTER it sounds like it'd hit.
-Your outro is slightly eh. Not bad, but not very good either. It sounds like the one you did for your round 1 song as well - try varying it a bit.
Overall: In case you didn't tell. I really really liked this. I love how you take a small idea, then expand on it to an extraordinary amount. The main thing I'd recommend to work on is the amount of themes. While you are able to take one theme and run a marathon with it, try using two or three different themes instead, and mix them up. Try using each of them to compliment the other, and I think you'll easily have some of the best music on newgrounds. I give this a 9/10.